Content posted March 17, 2024

Registry of Jewish Rescuers (A-C)

* = killed





Dr. Moses (Mussa) Abadie


Children’s Aid Rescue Society (Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants; OSE)

Marcel Network

[Lazare,1996 pp.193, 232; Samuel pp. 88-89]

George Abrash

Paterson, NJ, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

[JDC Annual Report]

Eugene Ach

Cincinati, OH, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

[JDC Annual Report]

E.P. Adler

Davenport, Iowa, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

[JDC Annual Report]

Ernst Ables


Working Group (Pracovna Skupina)


Zionist; community leader

[Kranzler, 1991]

Albert Abrahamson

New York City, USA

Executive director, National Refugee Service, Inc. (NRC)

[Zucker, 2008, p. 60]

Jose Abulker (b. 1921)


Leader, resistance and rescue movement

[Encyclpoedia Judaica, 1971, p. 617; Rayski, 2005, pp. 255-256; Steinberg, 1978, pp. 120-127]

Raphael Abulker


Resistance and rescue movement

[Encyclpoedia Judaica, 1971, p. 617; Rayski, 2005, pp. 255-256; Steinberg, 1978, pp. 120-127]

Stephane Abulker


Resistance and rescue movement

[Encyclpoedia Judaica, 1971, p.617; Steinberg, 1978, pp. 120-127]

Dr. Dezsö Acél

Budapest, Hungary

Physician, medical relief activist

Set up hospitals in Budapest Ghetto, 1944

[Braham, 1981.]

György Aczél

Budapest, Hungary

Communist Party Liaison with Rescue Committee of Budapest

[Biss, 1975, pp. 180-181; Cohen, 1986, pp. 206-207]

György (George) Adam

Budapest, Hungary

Self-appointed “Second Secretary” to the Vatican Nunciatura

Betzalel Adler (1924-1988)

Budapest, Hungary

Hehalutz Hatzair

Dror Habonim

Rescue and resistance

Cyrus Adler (1863-1940)


Founding member, JDC, 1914; chairman cult. comm.. 1920-1940; rescue advocate

[JDC Archives, NY; Cohen, 1987.]

Hermann Adler

Budapest, Hungary

Vilna, Bialystok, Warsaw Ghettos

Underground activist

Helped Jews escape ghettos, provided forged documents, warned Jews and others

[Braham, 1981.]

Jacques Adler


Armed underground resistance, Union de Resistance de la Jeunesse Juive – MOI (Union of Jewish Youth)

[Rayski, 2005, pp. 50, 227, 272-273, 292]

Mordechai (György) Adler (1920-1948)

Budapest, Hungary

Hashomer Hatzair, rescue

[Gur, 2007, p.32]

Mordechai Adler (Mátyás Ádler) (1915-2000)

Budapest, Hungary

Hashomer Hatzair, rescue

[Gur, 2007, pp. 32-33]

Nesher (Ferenc) Adler* (1923-1944)

Budapest, Hungary; Slovakia

Leader, Hashomer Hatzair 1943-1944


Captured and deported to Auschwitz, 1944, murdered

[Gur 2007. p.33; Koblik 1988; Porat 1990, pp.116-117]

Salomon Adler-Rudel (1894-1967)

Germany, Great Britain, Sweden, Europe

Central Committee of German Jews for Relief and Reconstruction (Zentralausschus der Deutschen Juden für Hilfe und Aufbau)

Secretary General, German Jews’ Organization, 1934-1936

Jewish Agency for Palestine, Yishuv emissary, Europe

Zionist Federation for Germany

Administrator, Central British Fund

Vice President, Zionist Federation in Great Britain, 1936-1945

[Friling, 2005; Yahil, 1969]

Ya’akov Adoram (Friedman Károly), (1925-2003)

Budapest, Hungary

Bnei Akiva

Rescue and relief

[Gur, 2007, p.33]

Moshe Agami (Moshe Auerbuch)

Vienna, Austria

Geneva, Switzerland

He-Halutz Emissary; Mossad Aliya Bet agent

Board of Directors, JDC

Rescue Activist

[Avriel, 1975; Frilling, 2005; Ofer, 1990, p.43]

Efra Agmon (Erno Teichman), b. 1922

Budapest, Hungary

Halutz Resistance, leader

Hashomer Hatzair

Rescue and Relief Committee

Worked with Swiss legation

[Cohen 1986; Gur 2007. P.34]

Tzipor “Tzipi” Agmon (Franciska Schechter), (1920-1966)

Budapest, Hungary

Hashomer Hatzair

Rescue and relief activist

[Gur 2007. P.35]

Shmuel-Yosef Agnon


Al-Domi (No Silence); rescue activist

Gershon Agronsky (Agron)


Journalist-editor, Palestine Post

Operated for Yishuv Intelligence Department

Negotiated rescue operations

[Frilling, 2005]

Aharon Aharonovits

Vilna, Lithuania

Partisan commander “Ha-Ma’avak” (The Struggle) battalion; took in escaped Jews from ghettoes

[Levin, 1984]

Albert Akerberg

Paris, France

Sixième (The Sixth) – Éducation Physique

French Jewish Scouts (EIF)

UGIF-South, Social Services

[Adler, 1987; Cohen ,1987, p. 97; Lazare, 1996, pp. 181, 198; Rayski, 2005, p. 308]

Lionello Alatri

Rome, Italy

Jewish community leader; worked with Settimo Sorani of DELASEM

[Leboucher; Zuccoti 1987]

Eliahu Alberstein

Warsaw Ghetto, Poland

Leader, Jewish Fighting Union (ZZW)

[Gutman, 1994, p. 169]

Dr. Ester Alexander (Vera Neuman), (1929-2005)

Budapest, Hungary

Hashomer Hatzair

Rescue and relief

Worked in Swiss Glass House, distributed protective papers

[Gur 2007. P.35]

Lester Alexander

Toledo, OH, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

[JDC Annual Report]

Léon Algazi


Central Consistory, Office of Studies

[Lazare, 1996, pp. 122, 310]

Ruth Klueger-Aliav


Mossad Aliyah Bet rescue leader

Worked with Af-Al-Pi (“Despite Everything”)

Perl Transport

Arranged refugee escapes

[Klueger, 1973, autobiography;

Levin, 1968, p. 139;

Perl, 1978, pp. 202-204; Avriel, 1975, pp. 85-87]

David Alkalary

Belgrade, Yugoslavia

President of the Jewish Community of Belgrade

Helped Jews escape; worked with Mossad le Aliya Bet

[Avriel, 1975, pp. 239-247]

Professor Emil Allard and Mrs. Allard


Leader, Comité de Defense des Juifs (Jewish Defense Committee)

Children’s Committee

Helene Allatini

Paris, France

Helped refugees who came through France

[Ben Ami, 1982, pp. 208-209, 212]

Sidney J. Allen

Detroit, Michigan, USA

Board of Directors, JDC



[JDC Archives, NY Files 450-451; JDC Annual Report]

Dante Almansi


DELASEM (Aid Commission for Jewish Refugees; Delegazione Assistenza Emigranti)

Chairman, Union of Jewish Communities of Italy


Sarfati 2006.]

Moshe Alpan (Pil; Marton Elefant), (1918-2006)

Budapest, Hungary; Slovakia

Leader, Hashomer Hatzair (Zionist Youth Movement)

Leader, Tiyyul

Rescued Jews in Labor Battalions

Worked with Swiss legation (Carl Lutz)

Established children’s homes

[Cohen (1986)

Gur (2007) pp. 36-37]

Tova Alpan (Gertrude Diamant; alias “Anna Schmidt”), (1924-1995)

Budapest, Hungary

Hashomer Hatzair

Distributed forged documents, helped children and refugees, liaison

[Gur p.38]

Yuhuda Alpar (György Alpár), (b. 1928)

Slovaki; Budapest, Hungary

Hashomer Hatzair

Tiyyul activist

[Gur 2007. P.38]

Abraham Alperine


Federation des Sociétés Juives de France (FSJF)

Leader, Amelot, after Rappoport arrested in early 1944

[Lazare, 1996, p. 153; Adler, 1987]

George Alpert

Boston, MA, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Louis Alster


Assistant Secretary, United Galician Jews of America




Leon Alter


Executive director, JEAS (HIAS-ICA), Poland

[Ginzberg 1942.

Hias archive, Yivo Wischnitzer 1956.]

Alexander Altman

New York, USA

President, Association of Hungarian Jews of America

Dr. Aryeh Altman

Istanbul; Palestine

Head of Hatzohar movement; revisionist leader; rescue activist; worked with Al-Domi leaders

Rosa Altman

Minsk Ghetto

Ghetto underground

Head of Labor Exchange

[Epstein, 2008, pp. 142, 164]

Tossia Altman*

Warsaw Ghetto, Poland; Lithuania

Leader, Hashomer Hatzair, Poland; she provided information to ghettoes; fought Warsaw Ghetto uprising; killed

[Porat, 1990, p. 307; Barkai, 1962, p. 361]

Herbert Altschul

Norfolk, VA, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Manuel Alvez

Lisbon, Portugal

World Jewish Congress (WJC)

Dr. Tzvi Am-Ad (Schwatz György), (b. 1921)

Slovakia; Hungary

Leader, Maccabi Hatzair

Leader of Tiyyul in Hungary


[Gur, 2007, p.39]

Amram Amir (Alfréd Grünwald), (1923-1998)

Budapest, Hungary

Hashomer Hatzair

Rescue and relief

[Gur, 2007, p.39]

Miriam Amir (Mária “Marcsa” Spinner), (b. 1922)

Budapest, Hungary

Hashomer Hatzair

Rescue and relief

Helped refugees, distributed documents

[Gur, 2007, p.40]

Rechav Amir


Yishuv parachutist, liaison to partisans

Abraham Amram

Lisbon, Portugal; Spain

HIAS-ICA representative in Spain and Portugal

[Ginzberg 1942. P.182

HIAS Archives, Yivo Wischnitzer 1956.

Wischnitzer 1956.]

Professor Moses B. Amzalak

Lisbon, Portugal

Representative, Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)

Founder and leader, Relief Committee for the German and Polish Refugees, established 1933

[Ginzberg 1942. Pp. 170-171

HIAS Archives, Yivo Wischnitzer 1956.

Wischnitzer 1956]

Gideon Andor

Budapest, Hungary

Hatzalah rescuer

[Lambert 1974. P. 213]

Moshe (Gyorgy) Anglusz (b. 1924)

Budapest, Hungary

Maccabi Hatzair

Distributed protective documents

Worked in Glass House

[Gur 2007. P. 40]

Mordechai Anilewitz* (d. 1943)

Warsaw Ghetto

Commander, Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB)

Leader, Hashomer Hatzair

Editor, underground partisan newspapers

Killed 1943

[Gutman1982, 1994; Arad; Barkai, 1962]

Rabbi Léo Ansbacher

Southern France

Chaplain, Gurs concentration camp

[Lazare, 1996, pp. 121, 223.]

Istvan Antal


Community leader

With help of Jewish leaders and Romanian officials helped stop deportations from Southern Transylvania in 1943.

Helped find residences and fed Jewish refugees.

[Ancel 1984. Pp.381-420

Gutman 1990.]

Shlomo Antin*

Vilnius/Bialystock Ghetto

Courrier; warned Jews; called for armed ghetto revolts; caught and executed

[Arad, 1980, pp. 221-226; Arad, 2010, p. 611n10]

Jacob Apenszlak


Chairman (1940-1945), Association of Jewish Refugees and Immigrants from Poland

Representation of Polish Jewry

World Jewish Congress

David Aplbojm

Warsaw Ghetto, Poland

Leader, the Jewish Military Organization (JMO)

Deported to eight concentration camps; survived

[Ben-Ami, 1982, p. 277]

Day J. Apte

Tampa, FL, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Yitzhak Arad (b. 1926)

Vilna, Lithuania; Rudninki Forest

Vilna Ghetto armed partisan


Aliya Bet

[Arad, 1981]

Asher (Istvan) Arányi (1924-2003)

Budapest, Hungary

Major rescue leader, Dror Habonim

Rescued Jews in ghettoes and labor units; warned Jews; distributed protective papers

[Gur 2007. P. 41]

Tuvia Arazi

Europe, Turkey

Mossad le Aliya Bet

Rescue activist

Brother of Yehuda Arazi

[Avriel, 1975, p. 242; Frilling, 2005, pp. 28, 267, 293]

Yehuda Arazi (1907-1959)


Mossad le Aliyah Bet, Haganah, Bricha in Italy; Palestinian Jew

[Avriel, 1975, pp. 242-243, 277-286; Frilling, 2005, vol 1, pp. 271-272]

Yitzak “Bukszi” Arbel (István Baumohl), (b. 1925)

Budapest, Hungary

Hanoar Hatzioni

Helped Jewish orphans

Guarded Swiss Glass House

[Gur 2007 p.42]

Chaim Arbuz*

Warsaw Ghetto, Poland

Warsaw Ghetto partisan fighter and Wishkov Forest with Mordecai Grovas Unit; killed in action

[Barkai, 1962, p. 362; Gutman, 1982, 1994; Mark, 1975]

Samuel Ariel

Paris, France

IZL representative in Paris

Rescue activist, worked with Mossad le Aliya Bet

[Avriel, 1975, p. 265]

Yaakov Ariel



Aliyah Bet

Zehava Ariela (Ágnes Wertheimer), (b. 1925)

Budapest, Hungary


Distributed protective papers

Caught, arrested and tortured by Gestapo; escaped

[Gur 2007. Pp. 42-43]

Benny Arkadi


Ship owner, rescue activist

[Frilling, 2005, p. 343]

Hiam Arlosoroff* (1899-1933)


Labor Zionist leader

Jewish Agency for Palestine, Executive – Foreign Policy Department

Negotiated Ha’avara (Transfer) Agreement


Alexander E. Arnstein

New York, New York, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Mr. Arnheim

Stockholm, Sweden

Secretary, Jewish Committee

Aided refugees

[Yahil 1969. P504 FN53]

Noel Aronovici

Overseas staff

JDC, 1919-1956; JDC founder; secretary general, 1928-1940; vice managing director 1939-1940; South America, May 1940-March 1941

Secretary general, American Joint Reconstruction Foundation, 1924-1941

[JDC Archives]

Samuel E. Aronowitz

Albany, NY, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Shlomo Aronson

Bucharest, Romania

Community leader, rescue activist

Mossad le Aliyah Bet

Agudath Israel

[Frilling, 2005]

Zachariah Artstein*

Warsaw Ghetto

Warsaw Ghetto commander and partisan fighter

Member, Dror; participanted in January and April revolts

Killed in April 1943

[Barkai, 1962, p. 362; Gutman, 1982, 1994, p. 183; Mark, 1975]

David Asael (Dezsö “Kis Orzi” Auslaender), (1924-1983)

Budapest, Hungary

Hatzalah rescuer

Bnei Akiva

Distributed protective papers and money

Arrested by Gestapo, escaped

[Gur, 2007, p.43]

Tzvai Asael (Herman “Nagy Oszi” Auslaender), (1919-1991)

Budapest, Hungary

Underground activist

Bnei Akiva

Put in forced labor unit, escaped, wounded

[Gur, 2007, p. 46]

Henrik Aschner

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Pal Aschner

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Ulloi Utca 2-4

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Rabbi Meir Ashenazi


Rabbi of Shanghai, October 1941

Isaac L. Asofsky

New York, USA

Executive director, Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America (HIAS), representative to ICA

[HIAS Archives, Yivo Wischnitzer 1956.]

Jaques Asslov

New York, USA

President, Committee to Rescue Bulgarian Jews

[Chary 1970. P. 13]

Dr. Yeheskiel Atlas* (1910-1942)

Dereczyn, White Russia

Physician, partisan commander, saved Jewish refugees; killed in combat, November 1942

[Eckman, 1977;

Kahanovitch, 1962, pp. 134-147; Arad, 210, pp. 508-509, 614n5.]

Hanna Atsmon (Lili Neuwirth), (b. 1921)

Slovakia; Budapest, Hungary; Romania

Maccabi Hatzair rescuer

Rescued Jews from Slovakia and Budapest; led Tiyyuls; distributed supplies, money and protective papers

[Gur 2007. P46]

Joseph “Dagi” Atzmoni (Joseph Schwartz), (1923-1968)

Romania; Budapest, Hungary

Dror Habonim

Led Tiyyuls from Romania to Hungary

Caught, escaped from Kistarca camp and returned to Budapest, caught again, tortured by Gestapo; later liberated by friends

[Gur 2007. P.47]

Ruth Atsmoni (Edit Reich), (b. 1926)

Budapest, Hungary

Dror Habonim

Helped Jewish refugees in Hungary; distributed protective papers

[Gur 2007. P.47]

Betram M. Aufsesser

Albany, NY, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Dr. Auslander


Helped rescue foreign Jewish physicians

[Zucker, 2008, p. 87]

Kató Auslaender (Hava Ben-Porat; b. 1924)

Ungvár, Hungary

Hashomer Hatzair

Tiyul leader

Smuggled Jews into Romania

Caught and deported to Auschwitz, and other concentration camps, survived

[Gur, 2007, p.56]

David Auslander

Budapest, Hungary


Carl J. Austrian

New York, USA

Vice president, American Jewish Committee (AJC)

Treasurer, General Jewish Council

Madame Averbouch

Paris, France

Childrens Aid Rescue Society, Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants (OSE)

Moshe (Agami) Averbuch

Itanbul, Turkey

Rescue Committee of the Jewish Agency in Turkey

[Friling, 2005, 1: 37, 319, 343-347, 386; 2: 178-179;

Offer, 1990; Levin, 1968.]

Yardena Avidor (Gizella Polák), (b. 1925)

Budapest, Hungary

Hanoar Hatzioni

Obtained and distributed Aryan documents in Budapest

[Gur 2007. P.48]

Shaul Avigur (Meirov), (1899-1978)

Palestine; Europe

Committee of the Jewish Agency for Palestine (JA; Yishuv emissary); military commander, Hagana leader

Headed Mossad Aliya Bet in 1939

Hatzalah rescuer

[Friling, 2005; Ofer, 1990; Avriel, 1975; Szule]

Dov Avramcsik


He Halutz Resistance (Zionist Youth Resistance), Hagana Committee (He Halutz)

[Braham 1981. P.999]

Ehud Ueberall Avriel (1917-1980)

Palestine; Turkey

Political Department, Joint Rescue Committee of the Jewish Agency for Palestine (JA; Yishuv), 1942-1946

Rescue Committee of the Jewish Agency in Turkey, Jewish Agency for Palestine (JA; Yishuv)

Mossad le Aliya Bet rescuer

[Avriel, 1975; Friling 2005. Ofer 1990.]

Rabbi Babad

Vienna, Austria

Head, Mizrachi (Youth Aliya), Austria

János Bábor*

Budapest, Hungary

Jewish Council (Zsido Tanacs)


Marianne Bach

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s immediate coworker

Manager, Ulloi Utca 2-4

[Boros-Kovacs, 2007]

George Backer


Board member, Refugee Economic Corporation (REC)

Vice chairman, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

President, Organization for Rehabilitation Through Training (ORT)

[JDC Archives, NY]

Menachem Bader (1895-1985)


Rescue Committee of the Jewish Agency in Turkey, Jewish Agency for Palestine (JA; Yishuv); Kibbutz Artzi

Leader, Hashomer Hatzair

[Friling, 2005; Ofer, 1990; Avriel, 1975, pp. 148-197]

Leo Baeck (1873-1956)

Berlin, Germany

Chief Rabbi of Berlin (Reform)

Chairman, Central Committee of German Jews for Relief and Reconstruction (Zentralausschuss der Deutschen Juden für Hilfe und Aufbau)

President of the Reich Representation of Jews in Germany, 1933

Chairman of the Reich Association (Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland), 1939

Arrested five times

Deported to Theresienstadt in 1943

[Encyclopedia of The Holocaust, 1990;

JDC Archives, NYC; Matthäus (Ed.), 2010; Baker, 1978; Friedlander, 1991]

Dr. Baehr


Secretary, Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Physicians

Zucker, 2008, p. 83]

Mrs. Emil Baerwald


Jüdische Hemispeisung (formerly Baerwald Kitchens)

Ernest Baerwald

Yokohama, Tokyo

Refugee Aid Committee, JEWCOM (Jewish Committee)

[JDC Archives, NY]

Paul Baerwald (1871-1961)


Chairman, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), 1932-1941, 1943-1945; treasurer 1920-1931; Emergency Administration Committee

Council for Germany Jewry, London

Central Council for Jewish Refugees, London

[JDC Archives NYC; Frilling, 2005]

Pauline Baerwald-Falk

New York, USA

Founder, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Junior Division, 1933

[JDC Archives, NY]

Ferenc “Ferry” Bagyoni


Aging “Pink” in Dogwood Network

Rescue activist with Joel Band Missions

[Frilling, vol. 1, pp. 310, 332, 383; vol. 2, pp. 34-38, 42-43, 45, 52-55]

Lazlo Bajor

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Schischa Lipot

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Ephraim Bakalchok


Fighting partisan

Deputy Commander Voroshilov Division

Protected Jewish family camp

[Barkai, 1962]

Edward M. Baker

Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Andor Bakos (Andor “Bicege” Berger), (1923-1988)

Budapest, Hungary

Hashomer Hatzair

Underground operative

[Gur 2007. P.48]

Eva Maria Balaban

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Ulloi Ut. 2-4

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Imre Balaban

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Ulloi Utca 2-4

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Erik Balassa

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Jokai Utca 1

Odon Balassa

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Jokai Utca 1

Dr. Alice Tova Balázs (Alice Edinger), (1928-1999)

Budapest, Hungary

Hanoar Hatzioni

Rescue and relief activist; distributed protective papers and medicine; smuggled Jews out of ghetto

[Gur 2007. P.48]

György Balint

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff

Distribution Dept at Tatra Utca 6

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Andor Balog

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s immediate co-worder; Director of Provisions and Transportation, Ulloi Utca 2-4

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Eva  Balog

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Ulloi Utca 2-4

Erno Balogh

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Jokai Utca 1

Eugene Balthazar

Southern France

Rescuer and Guide

[Latour 1970.]

Suzanne Band

Southern France

Jewish Section of MOI

[Rayski 2005. P.205]

Mihály Banyai


Leader, Comité pro Ungarn


Warsaw Ghetto, Poland

Leader (commander), Barak Unit, Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB); fought in April 1943 revolt

[Gutman, 1994, p. 224]

Judith Barak (Judit Bischitz), (b. 1921)

Budapest, Hungary

Hashomer Hatzair

“Sela Organization”

Helped refugees, distributed forged documents

[Gur 2007. P.49]

Dvora Baran* (1920-1943)

Warsaw Ghetto, Poland

Partisan fighter, Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB); Chanoch Guttman (Brushmakers) Section; killed May 3, 1943

[Barkai, 1962,p. 362; Guttman, 1982, 1994; Mark, 1975]

Ephriam Barash*, 1892-1943

Bialystok Ghetto, Poland

Vice chairman, Bialystok Ghetto Jewish Council; helped underground; helped Jews to escape ghetto; killed

[Trunk 1972.]

Josef Baratz


Aliyah Bet (Polish Halutz representative), Kibbutz Degania

Lipot Bard

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Ulloi Utca 2-4

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Inga Bardfeld

Copenhagen, Denmark

Successfully warned Jews of impending deportation 28 September, 1943

[Yahil 1969. P.207]

Dezso Bardos

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Jokai Utca 1

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Rafael Barki

Greece; Turkey

Businessman, rescue and relief activist, worked with Moshe Agami of Mossad and his brother, living in Athens

[Avriel, 1975, pp. 158-159, 160, 222; Frilling, 2005, vol. 1, pp. 343-344]

Joseph Bar-Joel (Kandel Lazló), (b. 1924)

Budapest, Hungary

Hanoar Hatzi’oni

Produced and distributed forged documents and Swiss Schutzpässe from Glass House

[Gur 2007. P.50]

Haim Barlas (1898-1984)

Turkey; Geneva, Switzerland; Palestine

Head, Rescue Committee of the Jewish Agency in Turkey, Jewish Agency for Palestine (JA; Yishuv)

Jewish Agency Geneva office, 1939-1940

Director, Jewish Agency’s Information Office, 1926-1948

[Barlas, 1974; Braham, 1981; Friling, 2005, vol. 1, pp. 151-306; Ofer, 1990; Porat, 1990; Avriel, 1975, pp. 134-186]

Yoheued Barmat* (Judit Barmat), (1924-1944)

Budapest, Hungary

Hashomer Hatzair

Helped refugees from Slovakia; distributed protective documents; helped bring Jews to Budapest from countryside

Tiyyul activist

Caught, deported to and murdered in Auschwitz in 1944

[Gur 2007. Pp.50-51]

Miriam Baron (Stern), (b. 1924)

Budapest, Hungary

Dror Habonim

Tiyyul leader, smuggled Jews to Romania

[Gur 2007. P.51]

Josef Barpal

Greece; Romania

Aliyah Bet (Polish Haluzt representative), Kibbutz Ayanot

[Ofer 1990. P.43]

David Bar Sela (Peter Bisseliches), (1923-1999)

Budapest, Hungary

Assistant to Simcha Hunwald in Swiss Glass House; distributed Swiss Schutzpaesse

[Gur 2007. P.49]

Adeline Barsky

Southern France

OSE, Chambéry Office

[Samuel, 2002]

Dr. Jenö Bársony

Budapest, Hungary

Physician, relief activist

[Friling 2005.]

Aharon Bart (1890-1957)

Berlin, Germany; Palestine

Jewish community leader, Berlin

Deputy chairman, Anglo Palestine Bank, 1938-1947

Chairman of fundraising in Yishuv, 1930s, and Mobilization and Rescue Fund, 1942-1945

Dr. Zoltán Barta

Budapest, Hungary

Physician, relief activist

Laszlo Bartha

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Ulloi Utca 2-4

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Laszlone Bartha

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Ulloi Utca 2-4

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Stella Baruch


Executive Officer, National Refugee Service (NRS)

[NRS Archives; Zucker, 2008, p. 60]

Iako Baruh


Yishuv officer

Underground leader; distributed visas, lobbied against deportations

[Chary 1970.

Friling 2005.]

Samuel Baruh


Rescue activist

Professor Alexander Barzel


[Gur 2007.]

Chief Rabbi Eliahu Barzilai (Barzilay)

Athens, Greece

Refused to hand over to Gestapo lists of Jews of Athens

[Mazower 1993. Pp. 250, 259]

Rashe Bashkin*

Lipyetzan Forest, White Russia

Fighting partisan, Bulak Division, Vlassov Band; wounded in action

[Barkai, 1962, p. 262]

Joseph Baskin

New York City, USA

Secretary, Jewish Labor Committee (JLC)

Board of Directors, JDC

André Bass


Funded rescue activity.

[Rayski 2005. P.204)

Joseph Bass

Marseilles, Southern France

Jewish rescuer, Founder and leader of Service André

[Lazare, 1996, pp. 165-171]

Sholem (Radieki) Bass*

Lipyetzan Forest, White Russia

Jewish partisan, Hirsch Kaplinsky Unit; killed

[Barkai, 1962, pp. 362-363]

Zwi Basse


Dror leadership, rescue activist

[Frilling, 2005, vol. 2, p. 176]

Mr. Gedalja “Bata”


Af-Al-Pi (“Despite Everything”), Perl Transport

[Perl 1978.]

André Bauer*, 1904-1943


Vice President, General Council of French Jews (Union Général des Israélites de France; UGIF); refused to cooperate with Nazi deportation orders; deported and killed in Auschwitz; Comité de Coordination


[Adler, 1987; Rayski, 2005; Cohen, 1987]

Herbert Baum*

Berlin, Germany

Founder and leader of the “Baum Group,” Jewish resistance group with more than 100 members

[Benz, 1997, pp. 178-180; Kreutzer, 1993; Brothers, 1993; Steinberg, 1978]

Denise Bauman

Southern France

OSE, rescued children in MNCR, published underground paper “Droit et Liberté

[Rayski, 2005, pp. 130-133, 171, 250]

O. Baumel

Brooklyn, New York, USA

Chairman, Executive Board, Agudas Israel of America, Inc.

Joseph (Josko) Baumer (1914-2001)

Budapest, Hungary

Mizrahi, Relief and Rescue Committee of Budapest of the Jewish Agency for Palestine (JA; Yishuv)

Hashomer Hatzair

Helped Slovak refugees

[Braham 1981. Pp. 933, 1012

Gur 2007. Pp. 53-54]

Heshek “Zvi” Bauminger* (1919-1943)

Krakow, Poland

Leader, Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB)

[Krakowski, 1984]

Viscount Bearsted

Great Britain

Council for German Jewry (Council)

Central Council for Jewish Refugees, London

[JDC Archives NYC]

Joseph Beck

New York City, USA

Executive director, Nation Refugee Service, Inc.

Tibor (Mordechai) Beck (b. 1925)

Budapest, Hungary

Hashomer Hatzair

Underground activist, courier

[Gur 2007. P.54]

Moses Beckelman (1906-1955)

Lithuania, Latin America, Morocco

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC); Overseas Staff

Director UNRRA refugee camp, Morocco, 1943

[JDC Archives, NY]

James H. Becker


Acting European director, 1920; vice chairman, 1937-1939, 1944-1970; chairman, National Council, 1940-1943; American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee; Board of Directors, Agro-Joint; Admin. Comm., American Representatives of the Jewish Agency for Palestine

[JDC Archives, NY]

Janos Beer

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, co-worker, Schutzpass Protocol, Ulloi Utca 2-4

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Sari Beer (Sara Reuveni) (b. 1928)

Budapest, Hungary

Hashomer Hatzair

Forged documents and distributed; saved children

[Gur 2007. P.192]

Menachem Begin


Irgun leader, supported illegal emigration as rescue for European Jews

[Ben-Ami, 1982, pp. 200, 302-303, 352-358, 363, 485, 488; Begin, 1951]

Sarah Behrman

New York, USA

Executive Secretary, Palestine Foundation Fund (Keren Heyasod), Inc.

Menachem Beigleman* (1921-1943)

Warsaw Ghetto, Poland

Berl Broide Group, Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB), Central Ghetto; killed May 10, 1943

[Barkai, 1962, p. 362; Gutman, 1984; Mark 1975]

William Bein



Mr. Hans Beit

Jerusalem, Israel

Director, Youth Aliyah, Jerusalem

István Békeffi

Budapest, Hungary

Clothes Collecting Company

[Brahan 1981. P.998]

Hasya Belicka (Borenstein)

Bialystok Ghetto

Member “Antifascist Bialystok” cell; worked with partisans; participated in ghetto uprising

[Trunk 1972.]

Simon Belkin


Officer, Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC)

Rescue and relief advocate

Nathan Belth


American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) staff

[JDC Archives, NY]

Lili Bem* (Újvidék; Novi Sad), (d. 1944)


Hashomer Hatzair

Underground armed resistance

Arrested by Hungarian police and hanged

[Gur 2007. P.55]

Yitzhak Ben-Aharon


Mapai Party, rescue advocate

[Frilling 2005.]

Yehuda Benari


General Council, NZO

Central Office, Center for Aliyah

Helen Benatar

Casablanca, Morocco

Relief activist; worked with American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

Helped house Jews released from camps.

[JDC Archives, NY]

Dr. Lazlo Bender

Budapest, Hungary

Physician active in rescue and relief (1944-1945)

Helped set up hospital in Pest Ghetto

[Braham 1981.]

Fortunado Benecerraf

Caracas, Venezuela

President, Comité Israelita Pro Refugiados, 1939-December 1943

[JDC Archives, NY]

Dr. László Benedek

Budapest, Hungary

Physician, medical relief activist

Paul Benedek


Committee for the Aid of Jewish Refugees from Northern Transylvania (Comitetul de asistentá a refugiatilor evrei din Ardealut de Nord)

Itzhak Ben-Efraim


Yishuv partisan, Parachutist; organized emigration to Palestine

Arieh Ben-Eliezer


Irgun leader, rescue activist

[Ben-Ami, 1982, pp. 82, 200, 239, 241, 251, 280, 295, 299, 300-305, 308]

Dr. Adolf Benes

Bohemia-Moravia, Czechoslovakia

Palestine Office, Prague, Czechoslovakia

Supreme Council of the Federation of Jewish Religious Congregations of Bohemia-Moravia & Silesia (JRC; Kulturgemeinde), Deputy Central Secretary

G. Benes

New York, USA

Executive director, Association of Hungarian Jews of America

David Ben-Gurion (1886-1973)


Early Zionist leader

First Prime Minister of Israel

Jewish statesman

Yishuv leader

Rescue advocate

[Friling 2005; Avriel, 1975]

Mulia Ben Hayim

Eastern Europe; Vilna; Yugoslavia; Poland

Emmissary, Jewish Underground, Poland Hashomer Hatzair, worked for Mossad smuggling immigrants to Palestine

[Avriel, 1975, pp. 239-240]

Rabbi Benjamin


Founder, Al-Domi (Do Not Keep Silent); rescue advocate

Aaron Benjamin


Vice president, HIAS

[HIAS Archives, Yivo

Wischnitzer 1956.]

Eugene S. Benjamin


Managing director, Baron de Hirsch Fund

Julliet N. Benjamin

New York City, USA

Vice president, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America (WIZO)

A. B. Bennett


President, Central Division, Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC)

Rescue and relief activist

Rafi (Friedl) Ben-Shalom (1920-1996)

Slovakia; Budapest, Hungary

He Halutz Resistance (Zionist Youth Resistance); Hashomer Hatzair

Leader, rescue and relief

Worked for Swiss legation

[Benshalom 1977.

Cohen 1986.

Gilles 1974.

Gur 2007. P.57]

Tamar Ben-Shalom (Kato Brunner), (1921-2003)

Budapest, Hungary

Hashomer Hatzair

Rescue and relief activist; warned Jews; courier; wife of Rafi Ben-Shalom

[Gur 2007. P.58]

Edward M. Benton


HIAS Board of Directors; rescue advocate

[HIAS Archives, YIVO, NYC; Wischnitzer, 1956]

Adrien Benveniste


Rescuer, Fourth Division French Jewish Scouts (EIF), Childrens Aid Rescue Society (OSE), CIMADE

[Rayski, 2005, p. 179; Samuel, 2002, p. 29]

Mishu Benvenisti


Refugee Aid Committee

Zionist leader; underground; Jewish Council; rescue activist

[Ancel 1987.

Ofer 1990.]

Zvi Ben-Yaakov* (d. 1944)


Yishuv, partisan rescuer, Parachutist; captured and executed

[Friling 2005.]

Aaron Ben-Yosef


Yishuv partisan, Parachutist

Itzak Ben-Zvi


Joint Rescue Committee of the Jewish Agency for Palestine (JA; Yishuv)

Va’ad Le’ummi

National Council of Jews in Palestine

[Friling 2005.]

Michael Berchin


Journalist, Bergson Group, supported rescue

[Ben Ami, 1982, p. 248]

Konrad Bercovici


Novelist; Bergson Group; supported rescue

[Ben-Ami, 1982, p. 248]

Peter Bercovitch


Officer, Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC)

Rescue and relief advocate

Abba Berdiczew* (Berdichav; c. 1944)


Yishuv, partisan rescuer, Parachutist; captured and executed

[Friling, 2005, vols. 1-2]

András Beregi*

Budapest, Hungary

Department A, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

Rabbi Béla Berend

Budapest, Hungary

Member, Jewish Council (Zsido Tanacs)

Prominent leader, rescue activist

[Braham 1981.]

David Bergelson

Soviet Union

Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAC)

Berta “Beate” Berger* (1886-1940)

Berlin, Germany

Leader, Beith Ahawah Children’s Home, helped youth from Germany to escape to Palestine; killed in 1940

[Mattaus, 2010; Ayelet, 2006]

Harry Berger

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Vice chairman, Jewish Labor Committee (JLC)

Mihael “Michael” Berger* (1924-1944)

Budapest, Hungary

Leader, Hashomer Hatzair

Organized hiding places for Jews

Captured by Gestapo; deported to Auschwitz; died in Gusen concentration camp in Austria in 1945

[Gur 2007. P.60]

Moishe Berger

New York City, NY, USA

Rescue activist; head, Refugee and Immigration, Zerei Division

Agudath Israel

Raised funds

[Kranzler, 1991, pp. 125, 130-131, 143]

Rabbi Dr. Naftali Nathan Berger (1911-1964)


Mizrahi Party rescuer

Arrested, severely beaten

[Gur 2007. P.61]

Sandor Berger

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s immediate co-worker, manaer Ulloi Utca 2-4

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Lazlo Bergida

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Jokai Utca 1

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Jacob Berglas


German Jewish banker, rescue advocate

Professor Shmuel Hugo Bergman


Al-Domi (No Silence); rescue activist

Peter H. Bergson (Hillel Kook); (b. 1915)

Palestine; Europe; United States

Zionist Revisionist, Irgun

Center for Aliyah

Founder, Committee for a Jewish Army, 1941

Founder, Bergson Group (Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of Europe), 1943

Founder, Hebrew Committee for the Liberation of the Nation, 1944

[Ben-Ami, 1982; Frilling, 2005; Medoff; Wyman, 1984]

Hirsch Berken*

Szarkowsczyzna Ghetto

Head of Jewish Council; warned Jews of action; killed

[Trunk 1974.]

Mrs. Harry Berkman

Chicago, Illinois, USA

Vice president, Women’s Zionist Organization of America

Béla (Dov) Berkó (1922-1997)

Budapest, Hungary

He Halutz

Dror Habonim

Helped refugees in Budapest

Arrested, deported to concentration camps in Austria and Germany

[Gur 2007. P.61]

Károly (Nahman) Berkó (b. 1927)

Budapest, Hungary

Dror Habonim

He Halutz rescue activist

Forged and distributed protective documents; smuggled Jews into Romania; build bunkers and served as courier for underground

Captured and escaped deportation

[Gur 2007. Pp.61-62]

Eliyahu Berlin


Member, National Council

Rescue advocate

[Frilling, vol. 1, pp. 83, 365, 369]

Cora Berliner*


Council members, Reichsvereiningung der Juden in Deutschland

Central Committee of German Jews for Relief and Reconstruction (Zentralausschuss der Deutschen Juden für Hilfe und Aufbau)

Relief/rescue activist, social worker

Deported to death camp, murdered

[Matthaus, 2010; Baker, 1978]

Jacob Berliner*


Member, Piotrków Trybunalski Ghetto Council; underground leader, promoted rescue

Deported to Auschwitz, murdered

[Trunk, 1971, Yad Vashem, pp. 212-213; Trunk, 1974, p. 464]

Hirsch Berlinsky* (1908-1943)

Warsaw Ghetto, Wishkov Forest, Poland

High Command, Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB), Brushmaker’s Section; escaped, fought in Wishkov Forest; killed in Polish Revolt in Warsaw, August 1943

[Barkai, 1962, p. 363; Gutman, 1982, 1994, pp. 167, 182]

Dr. Adolf Abraham Berman (1906-1978)

Warsaw, Poland

Underground agent

Leader, Jewish National Committee (ZKN)

Leader (Secretary), Zegota

Worked with Leon Feiner (Bundist)

[Gutman, 1977, pp. 367-398; Tec, 1986; Tomaszewski, 1994; Davidowicz, 1975]

Battia Berman (d. 1953)

Warsaw Ghetto, Poland

Poale Zione

Escaped Ghetto to Aryan side, rescued Jews

[Barkai, 1962, p. 364; Gutman, 1982, 1994]

Karl Berman

Malmo, Sweden

Helped jewish refugees and the underground.

[Yahil 1969. P.510 FN118]

Tzippora Berman*

Bialystock Ghetto

Dror Zionist Youth courier

Warned Jews

Killed in Bialystock Ghetto uprising

[Daring to Resist 2007. Pp.86-88

Museum of Jewish Heritage]

Joseph Bernáth


Member, “Shimoni Group”

[Gur 2007. P.62]

Maurice Berndon

Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Joseph M. Berne

Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Dr. André Bernheim


Directed activity of office on Rue de Boissac

[Lazare, 1996, p. 199]

Franz Bernheim


Filed complaint against German government in League of Nations in 1933 (Bernheim Petition)

David Bernstein

New York, New York, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Israel Bernstein

Warsaw, Poland

HIAS representative, Warsaw

[Ginzberg 1942.

HIAS Archives, Yivo

Wischnitzer 1956.]

Leon Bernheim


Honory President Zionist Youth Movement (MJS)

Theo Bernheim

Southern France

Main Office For the Shelters (DCA) Helped Jews Escape Leave Gurs Detention Camp

Dr. James Bernstein

France; Lisbon, Portugal; USA

HIAS-ICA representative to Evian Converence, 1938; HIAS-HICEM’s European Director, US board of directors, 1942

[Ginzberg ,1942, pp.170-171; HIAS Archives, YIVO, NYC; Wischnitzer 1956; Lazare, 1996, p. 156]

John L. Bernstein

New York, USA

Chairman of administrative committee and board of directors, HIAS-ICA, elected 1942; chairman, HICEM board of directors, 1934

[HIAS Archives, Yivo

Wischnitzer 1956.]

Mrs. Lola Bernstein

Vienna, Austria

Af-Al-Pi (“Despite Everything”), Perl Transport

[Perl 1978.]

Moshe Bertenthal


Hechalutz leader

Professor Besredka

Paris, France

President OSE

[Samuel, 2002, p. 31]

Irvin Bettmann

St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Frigyes (Avraham) Bettelheim (1923-2004)

Budapest, Hungary

Hanoar Hatzioni


Hid Jews from Slovakia; worked at Glass House distributing Swiss protective papers, food and supplies

[Gur 2007. Pp.62-63]

Dr. Hans Beyth


Youth Aliya rescue activist; worked with Henreitta Szold

[Tomar, 1971 (Hebrew)]

Henry Bibrowski

Brussels, Belgium

Dror – He Halutz

Rescue and relief activist

Worked with Nathan Schwalb

Assistant in Palestine Office, Brussels

Secretary, Poali Zion

[Milchman (ED) 1998. Pp.400, 405, 406, 409]

Eliyahu Bidner (Ben-Horin)

Romania, Palestine, USA

Center for Aliyah

Oszkar “Oszi” Biederman (1924-1977)

Budapest, Hungary

Hanoar Hatzioni

Worked in Glass House, distributed protective documents, hiding weapons

[Gur 2007. P.63]

Harry D. Biele (b. 1908)


JDC staff; comm. secretary, Latin America, Agro Joint, 1944-1945

[JDC Archives, NY]

Alexander Bielski (1912-1995)

Nailisoki Forest, Novogrudok, Russia, Belorussia

Partisan commander, Bielski Partisans; saved Jews in family camp

[Ainstein, 1974, pp. 315-325; Barkai, 1962; Bielski, 1946; Tec, 1993; Eckman, 1977]

Asael Bielski*

Novogrudok, Russia, Belorussia

Partisan commander, Bielski Partisans; saved Jews in family camp; killed while serving with Soviet Army in 1944

[Ainstein, 1974, pp. 315-325; Barkai, 1962; Bielski, 1946; Tec, 1993; Eckman, 1977]

Lida Bielski

Nailisoki Forest, Novogrudok, Russia, Belorussia

Partisan commander, Bielski Partisans; saved Jews in family camp

[Ainstein, 1974, pp. 315-325; Barkai, 1962; Bielski, 1946; Tec, 1993; Eckman, 1977]

Tuvia Bielski (1906-1987)

Nailisoki Forest, Novogrudok, Russia, Belorussia

Partisan commander, Bielski Partisans; saved Jews in family camp with brothers Asael and Zusya

[Ainstein, 1974, pp. 315-325; Barkai, 1962; Bielski, 1946; Tec, 1993; Eckman, 1977]

Zusya (Zus) Bielski

Nailisoki Forest, Novogrudok, Russia, Belorussia

Partisan commander, Bielski Partisans; saved Jews in family camp with brothers Tuvia and Asael

[Ainstein, 1974, pp. 315-325; Barkai, 1962; Bielski, 1946; Tec, 1993; Eckman, 1977]

Asika Big* (1921-1943)

Vilna, Lithuania

Liaison with PPG September 1943; she was caught, hanged by Nazi’s

[Arad, 1980; Barkai, 1962, p. 365]

Pierre Bigar

Geneva, Switzerland

Assistant to Saly Mayer in Geneva

[JDC Archives, NY]

Jozsef Bihari

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff

Nandor Bihari

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Ulloi Utca 2-4

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Yitzhat Bilawalski

Warsaw Ghetto, Poland

Leader, Jewish Fighting Union (ZZW)

[Gutman, 1994, p. 169]

Yanek Bilek* (d. 1944)

Warsaw Ghetto, Poland

Partisan fighter, Brushmaker’s section, Ghetto uprising April 1943; killed in Polish uprising, Fall 1944

[Barkai, 1962, p. 365]

Jacob Billikopf

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

National Refugee Service, Field Representative, Resettlement Division

Board of Directors, JDC

[Zucker 2008. Pp.15-16]

Adoniyahu Billitzer (Dajanus), (1913-2005)

Budapest, Hungary

Leader, Hanoar Hatzioni, worked with Swiss legation, arrested

[Cohen 1986.

Gur 2007. Pp.63-64]

Etel (Braha) Billitzer (1916-2004)

Budapest, Hungary

Leader, Hanoar Hatzioni

Department A, International Red Cross (ICRC)

Forged, distributed forged papers

Sister of Adoniyahu Billitzer

[Cohen 1986.

Gur 2007. Pp. 63-64]

Rabbi Binyamin

Turkey, Palestine

Al-Domi Group

Meyer Birman

Shanghai, China

Far Eastern Jewish Central Information Bureau in Shanghai, worked with HIAS-ICA

[Ginzberg 1942. P.165

HIAS Archives, Yivo

Wischnitzer 1956.]

Tzippora Birman* (d. 1943)

Bialystock Ghetto, Poland; Lithuania

Member, Dror

Kibbutz Tel-Hai

Bialystock Ghetto

Courrier between ghettoes

Arrested and escaped; killed Bialystock Ghetto uprising, August 1943

[Barkai, 1962, p. 364; Datner, 1946; Brossman, 1987]

Jeno Biro

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Distribution Department, Tatra Utca 6

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Sandorne Biro

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Tokai Utca 1

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Judit Bischitz (Judith Barak) (b.1921)

Budapest, Hungary

Hashomer Hatzair, Sela Organization, Helped Refugees Supplied Forged Documents

[Gur 2007. P.49]

Dr. László Bisits

Budapest, Hungary

Volunteer Ambulance Service of Budapest (Böme)

[Braham 1981. Pp.853,986]

Andreas (Andor) Biss

Budapest, Hungary

Leader, Hatzalah Zionist

Department A, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

[Gur, 2007; Biss, 1975]

Mózes Bisseliches (1878-1970)

Budapest, Hungary

Hatzionim Haclali’im

Helped Jewish refugees from Slovakia and Poland)

[Gur 2007. P.64]

Newton Bissinger

San Francisco, California, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Joseph Bitker

Shanghai, China

Vice Chair, East European Jewish Refugees (EASTJEWCOM); treasurer, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

[JDC Archives, NY F485-503]


Bohemia-Moravia, Czechoslovakia

Supreme Council of the Federation of Jewish Religious Congregations of Bohemia-Moravia & Silesia (JRC; Kulturgemeinde)

Czech Jewish Movement

Rothkirchen 2005.

Marek Blank* (1922-1943)

Warsaw Ghetto, Poland

Partisan fighter, Gordonia Group and Brushmaker’s Section; fought in April revolt; killed May 1943

[Barkai, 1962, p. 364]

Leon Blatt (Eliezer)


He Halutz Resistance (Zionist Youth Resistance), Hagana Committee (He Halutz)

[Braham 1981. P.999

Cohen 1986. P.107]

Judit Lili Blau* (1923-1944)


Hashomer Hatzair

Deported to and murdered in Auschwitz

Sister of Malka Blau*

[Gur 2007. P.66]

Dr. Julius Blau

Great Britain

Member, Joint Reconstruction Foundation, ICA

[JDC Archives, NY]

Károly Blau (Ya’akov Böeri), (b. 1926)

Slovakia; Hungary

Maccabi Hatzair

Forged documents

Arrested, tortured

[Gur 2007.]

Magda Malka Blau* (1920-1944)

Budapest, Hungary

Hashomer Hatzair

Miskolc Kan

Deported and murdered in Auschwitz

[Gur 2007. P.65]

Sándor (Haim) Blau* (1924-1944)

Budapest, Hungary

Maccabi Hatzair

Liaison for underground at Swiss Glass House and “protected houses”

[Gur 2007 p.65]

Sári “Aduma” Blau* (1922-1944)

Slovakia; Hungary

Maccabi Hatzair

Smuggled Slovakian Jews into Hungary;

Caught, deported and murdered in Auschwitz

[Gur 2007. Pp.65-66]

Bernhard Blaugrund

Helsinki, Finland

Chairman, Refugee Committee

Helsinki Jewish Congregation

Bella Blaustein

Southern France

Jewish Section of MOI

[Rayski, 2005, p. 205]

Jacob Blaustein

Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Jenö Bleier

Budapest, Hungary

Relief activist

Rabbi Elie Bloch and wife


Poitiers, Tours, Angoulême, Châtellerault, Loiret Camps

[Lazare, 1996, pp. 96-97]

Alice Bloch


Childrens Aid Rescue Society (Oeuvre De Secours Aux Enfants) OSE

Marc Bloch (“Narbonne”)


Francs Tireurs (“Irregulars”), community leader

[Cohen, 1987; Lazare, 1996, p. 277; Rayski, 2005, pp. 63-64, 245,247-249, 251]

Zelo Bloch

Treblinka death camp

Former Czech Army officer; a leader, Treblinka camp resistance

Georges Block

Geneva, Switzerland

Rescue activist

[Häsler 1969.]

Hélène Block

Geneva, Switzerland

Union – OSE officer; placed children in Switzerland

[Samuel, 2002, p. 104]

Herbert R. Block

Cincinati, Ohio, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Herman W. Block


Chair, European-Jewish Children’s Aid, 1943

Jacques Block

Geneva, Switzerland

Union – OSE officer; placed children in Switzerland

[Samuel, 2002, p. 104]

L.E. Block

Chicago, Illinois, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Dr. Paul Block

Madrid, Spain

Rescue activist; worked with Blickenstaff’s office; Representative American Jewish Joint Distribution Comm (JDC)

[JDC Archives, NY]

Phillip Block


Executive director, American ORT Federation

Dr. René Block*

Southern France

Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants (OSE; Children’s Aid Rescue Society)

Deported and murdered

Yurek Blones* (1924-1943)

Warsaw Ghetto, Poland

Unit commander, Jewish Partisan Group, fought with Brushmaker’s Section in April 1943 revolt; killed May 1943

[Barkai, 1962, pp. 364-365; Gutman, 1994, p. 221]

Itzak Bluestein* (1923-1943)

Warsaw Ghetto, Poland

Leader Jewish Partisan Group, fought in April 1943 revolt; later with Artstein and Ferber Groups

[Barkai, 1962, p. 365]

Abraham “Abrasha” Blum* (1905-1943)

Warsaw, Poland

Bundist leader

Relief activist

ZOB partisan

Died in Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 1943

[Gutman, 1982, 1996]

Haga Blum

Budapest, Hungary

He Halutz

[Gur 2007.]

Josef Blum

Budapest, Hungary; Slovakia

Zentrales Soziales Fuersorge-Komite fur die Juden in Slovensko; representative, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

[JDC Archives, NY]

Léon Blum


Pre war Prime Minister of France

[Lazare, 1996, pp. 5, 6]

Dr. Walter Blum

Dominican Republic

Executive director, Joint Relief Committee (JRC) of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

[JDC Archives, NY]

Jacob Blume

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Vice chairman, Jewish Labor Committee (JLC)


Minsk (Byelorussia)

Deputy Police Commandant, Minsk Jewish Council; helped Jews escape ghetto

[Trunk 1974. P.522]

M. Blumenstock

New York, USA

Director, American Federation for Polish Jews

Dr. Moise Blumenstock*


Staff physician at Le Masgelier Home; Childrens Aid Rescue Society (Oeuvre de Secours Aux Enfants); OSE

[Rayski 2005. P.182]

Gertrude Blumenstock-Lévy*

Southern France

Youth worker, Le Masgelier Home

Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants (OSE; Children’s Aid Rescue Society)

Burned alive by Germans

[Rayski 2005. P.182]

Avraham (Abrasza) Blumowicz

Slonim Ghetto, Zhabinka District

Armed underground partisan leader; Antifascist Committee; helped Jews escape ghetto

[Trunk, 1974, p. 461; Lichtenstein, 1960-1978]

Dr. Franz Boas (1858-1942)


Noted anthropologist, rescue activist

Abraham Bock

France; Spain

Rescue leader

Alexander Simon Boekman


Secretary, Netherlands Jewish Society, Inc.

Israel Bogdush

Dereczyn, White Russia

Partisan in Yeheskiel Atlas Group

[Barkai, 1962, p. 365]

Pal Bogen (Tzvi Keshet), (b. 1923)

Budapest, Hungary

Maccabi Hatzair

Distributed forged Swiss protective passes

[Gur 2007. P.145]

György Bognár

Budapest, Hungary

Relief activist

Jewish Council (Zsido Tanacs)

Andorne Bohn

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Jokai Utca 1

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Dr. Niels Bohr (1885-1962)


Danish physicist; rescue advocate in Sweden

Nobel laureate

[Rhodes, 1995; Yahil, 1969]

Zsuzsa Bokor

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg staff, Jokai Utca 1

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Eugenio Bolaffio

Ljubljana, Slovenia

DELASEM representative

Helped save Jewish children

[Leboucher 1969.

Voigt 2005.]

Beno Boleskei

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Ulloi Utca 2-4

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Benzion Bolkowitz

Novagrudak Ghetto, Naliboki Forest, White Russia

Fighter with Bielski Partisan Unit; helped 40 Jews escape Novagrudak Ghetto

[Barkai, 1962, p. 365; Tel]

Maurice Bolle

Belgium, Holland

Established rescue network to France and Spain

[Steinberg, 1970, pp. 134-135]

Curt Bondy (1894-1972)


Director of the Emigration Training Farm at Gross-Breesen; arrested, interned in Buchenwald KZ

[Matthaus, 2010; Angres, 1988]

Dr. Karel Bondy*


“We Remain Faithful” Petition Committee (PVVZ)

[Rothkirchen 2005. Pp.195-198,200]

Hanus (Hans) Bonn*

Prague, Czechoslovakia

Supreme Council of the Federation of Jewish Religious Congregations of Bohemia-Moravia & Silesia (JRC; Kulturgemeinde), Director, Emigration Department

Deported to Mauthausen and killed

[Rothkirchen 2005. Pp.45, 58, 117-118, 126, 211]

Edek Boraks* (d. 1943)

Vilna Ghetto, Lithuania; Biyalystock Ghetto

Co-founder, PPA Vilna, partisan leader, organized underground in Bialystock; captured February 5, 1943; deported to Treblinka

[Barkai, 1962, p. 365; Datner, 1946; Grossman, 1987; Arad, 1980]

Friedrich Borchard


Executive secretary, 1935-1936, Central Committee of German Jews for Relief and Reconstruction (Zentralausschus der Deutschen Juden für Hilfe und Aufbau; ZA)

Frederick W. Borchardt

South America

Representative, JDC, 1936-1940

[JDC Archives, NY]

Rene Borel


Children’s Aid Rescue Society (France de Secours aux Enfants ; OSE)

Garel Network (Réseau Garel)

Mary Boretz


Social worker, placed children

[Zucker, 2008, p. 35

Louis J. Borinstein

Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

[JDC Archives NYC]

Harous Borjas

Prague, Czechoslovakia

New Zionist Organization (NZO)

Aliyah Bet

Henny Bornstein

Geneva, Switzerland

He Halutz

Isaac Bornstein*

Warsaw, Poland

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

Worked for: TOZ, ORT, ZETOS

[JDC Archives, NY]

Samuel Bornstein

White Russia

Partisan with Dr. Yehiel Atlas’ partisan fighting unit

Ferenc Boros

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Jokai Utca 1

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Lilla Boros

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg staff, Ulloi Utca 2-4

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Sándor Boros

Kistarcsa Camp

Aided Jews at Kistarca Camp and other locations

[Braham 1981. P.706]

Heena Borovska (Chiena)

Vilna, Lithuania; Rudnicki Forest

Partisan commander, “Yehiel’s Combat Group” and  “To Victory” battalion under Shmuel Kaplinsky; took in escaped Jews

[Levin, 1984; Barkai, 1962; Arad, 1980]

Michael Borowitz

Janow Concentration Camp, Krakow, Poland

Organized Janow KZ underground; escaped and became leader of Partisanka in Miechov District

Tibor Borsodi (Dov Broshi), (1923-2003)


Hanoar Hatzi’oni

Helped Polish refugees in Hungary; warned Jews in provinces

[Gur 2007.]

Tuvia Borzykowski (1911-1959)

Warsaw Ghetto, Poland

Jewish Fighting Partisan leader with ZOB during Ghetto revolts of January and April 1943; escaped

[Borzykowski, 1976; Gutman, 1994, pp. 205, 209, 250]

Miksa Boschan

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Ulloi Utca 2-4

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Tzypa Botvinik-Lupian

Minsk Ghetto, Belorussia

Ghetto underground; smuggled weapons

[Epstein, 2008, pp. 115-116, 164, 165, 312n26]

Samuel Botwinik

New Haven, Conn., USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Louis B. Boudin


Chairman, board of directors, American ORT Federation

Maurice M. Bourstein


Secretary, Palestine Economic Corporation

Boyanner Rebbi (Rabbi)


Vaad Hatzalah Zeirei

Agudat Israel

Rescue activist

[Kranzler, 1991, p. 147]

Tuvia Bozikovsky

Warsaw Ghetto, Poland

Jewish Partisan Fighters (Dror)

April 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Revolt, escaped

[Barkai, 1962, p. 366; Gutman, 1982, 1994, p. 205, 209, 250]

Ervinne Brachfeld

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Ulloi Utca 2-4

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Sol Brachman

Fort Worth, Texas, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Zvi Brades* (1917-1943)


Hashomer Hatzair Underground, commander Jewish Fighting Organization (JFO) in Bendin; caught August 7, 1943; murdered by Nazis

[Barkai, 1962, p. 366]

Yehuda Braginsky (1897-1979)

Holland; Germany; France; Europe

Activist rescuer 1934-1948

Aliyah Bet

Head of Mossad, Paris Bureau

He-Halutz Emissary

Kibbutz Givat Hashlosha

[Avriel, 1975, pp. 30-61; Frilling, 2005]

C. Brahn

Shanghai, China

Chairman, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

[JDC Archives, NY F485-503]

Dr. Leon Bramson


American Joint Reconstruction Foundation

[JDC Archives, NY]

Hansi Brand (nee Hartman; see Hajnalka Hartman), (1912-2000)

Budapest, Hungary

He Halutz Resistance leader

Department A, International Committee of The Red Cross (ICRC)

Rescue and Relief Committee

Wife of Joel Brand

[Biss, 1975; Cohen, 1986; Friling, 2005, vol. 1, pp. 275, vol. 2, pp. 42, 45, 221, 228; Gur, 2007, p.67]

Joel (Jenö) Brand (1907-1964)


Ichud, Relief and Rescue Committee of Budapest of the Jewish Agency for Palestine (JA; Yishuv); negotiated failed “blood for trucks” deal; advocated bombing of Auschwitz

[Avriel, 1975, pp. 174-188; Bauer, 1994; Braham, 1981; Frilling, 2005; Gur, 2007, p. 69;

Weissberg, 1958; Biss, 1975]

Shlomo Brand

Rudninkai Forest, Lithuania

Partisan commander “Yechial’s Combat Group,” took in Jews in camps

[Levin, 1984]

Jack Brandon


Representative, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), May-December 1938

Joint Relief Committee

[JDC Archives, NY]

Shmuel Braslaw* (1921-1943)

Warsaw Ghetto, Poland

Leader, Hashomer Hatzair Fighting Unit, Warsaw Ghetto, commander ZOB Unit during April 1943 revolt; killed in action

[Barkai, 1962, p. 366; Gutman, 1982, 1994, pp. 156-158]

Ference (Yitzak) Braun (b. 1922)


Hanoar Hatzioni

Distributed forged documents

[Gur 2007. P.70]

Dr. Sandor Braun

Budapest, Hungary

Member Jewish Council (Zsido Tanacs)

Rescue advocate

[Braham 1981. P.630]

Sara Braverman


Yishuv Parachutist

Liaison to Yugoslav Partisans

[Friling 2006.]

Henri Braun (Adamicz)

Southern France


[Rayski 2005. P.297]

Zoltan Braun

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s immediate co-worker

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Abner Bregman

New York, New York, USA

Associate treasurer, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) and Agro-Joint; board of directors, Agro-Joint

[JDC Archives, NY]

Maurice Brener

Southern France

General Union of Jews of France (UGIF-S) Co-director, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) – UJIF

[Alder, 1987; Cohen, 1987; JDC Archives NYC; Rayski, 2005, pp. 204, 244; Lazare, 1996, pp. 163, 165, 233, 257, 258; Samuel, 2002, pp. 118-119, 125]

Isador Breslau

Washington, DC, USA

Executive director, Zionist Organization of America (ZOA)

Joseph Breslau


Co-chairman, National Labor Committee for Palestine

Executive Secretary, Habonim – Labor Zionist Youth

Dr. Breslauer

Budapest, Hungary

Medical doctor, created hospital shelter


David  M. Bressler

New York, USA

Vice chairman, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), 1937-1942; Executive Committee chairman, Budget and Scope Committee, 1933-1940

Joint Reconstruction Foundation

[JDC Archives, NY]

Géza (Meir) Breuer* (1923-1944)

Budapest, Hungary

Hashomer Hatzair

Relief worker, children’s homes

Disappeared, presumed murdered

[Gur 2007. P.70]

Rabbi Dr. Joseph Breuer

New York, NY, USA

Rescue activist

Zerei Agudat Israel

[Kranzler, 1991, p. 147]

Ch. Breyner

New York, USA

Treasurer, American Committee of OSE

Edita Brezina

Prague, Czechoslovakia

Relief activist, sent relief supplies to ghettos and concentration camps

Zvi Brick


Joint Rescue Committee of the Jewish Agency for Palestine (JA; Yishuv)

[Friling 2005.]

Barnett R. Brickner


Vice chairman, United Palestine Appeal

Mrs. Brin


National President, German-Jewish Children’/s Aid, Inc. (GJCA)

[Zucker, 2008, p. 35]

Robert Briscoe

Ireland; USA

Irgun rescue activist; fundraiser; member, Irish Parliament

[Ben-Ami, 1982, pp. 214-215, 219-221, 234, 255]

Simon Brod

Istanbul, Turkey

Worked for Rescue Committee of Jewish Agency for Palestine

[Avriel, 1975, pp. 136-143, 171-183; Frilling, 2005, vol. 2, pp. 173, 182-183]

Katz Broder


Militant Communist Resistance

[Steinberg, 1970, p. 133]

Makowski Broder


Militant Communist Resistance

[Steinberg, 1970, p. 133]

Professor Selig Brodetzky


Member of subcommittee, High Commissioner for Refugees (League of Nations)

[Frilling, 2005, vol. 1, pp. 359, 370, vol. 2, pp. 74, 83]

Erno Brodi

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Ernone Brodi

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Friedrich Brodnitz (1899-1995)


Central Committee of German Jews for Relief and Reconstruction (Zentralausschus der Deutschen Juden für Hilfe und Aufbau)

Sent report to diplomats and journalists about German state anti-Semitism

[Brodnitz, 1986]

Julius Brodnitz (1866-1936)

Berlin, Germany

Lawyer, community leader

Chairman, Centralverein (CV), 1920-1936

Relief activist

[Matthaus, 2010; Barkai, 1962]

Hon. Judge Lois B. Brodsky


President, Humane Refugee Aid Society (HRSA)

[Zucker, 2008, p. 79]

Berl Broide* (1915-1943)

Ostrowiec, Poland; Warsaw Ghetto

Founder, D‘ror Warsaw Ghetto, resistance and fighting partisan leader; fought in Ghetto revolt, April 1943; committed suicide May 8, 1943

[Barkai, 1962, p. 366]

Louis Broido

New York, New York, USA

Board of Directors, Executive Committee, JDC

Abe Bronfman

Montreal, Canada

Board of Directors, JDC

Samuel Bronfman

Montreal, Canada


United Jewish Refugee and War Relief Agencies (United)

President, Jewish Canadian Congress

Jewish Immigrant Aid Society

Board of Directors, Executive Committee, JDC

[AJC Yearbooks 1940-1945]

Jacob Brown

New York, USA

Vice president, American Federation for Polish Jews

Dr. Daniel Adolf “Dolfi” Brunner


Maccabi ha-Tsa’ir

[Gur 2007.]

Armand Brunschvig


Rescue and relief activist

[Häsler 1969.]

Dr. Georges Brunschvig


Community leader, President of the Jewish Committee of Switzerland

[Häsler 1969.]

Aaron (Pavel) Bruskin* (d. 1943)

Warsaw Ghetto, Poland

Leader, Warsaw Ghetto partisan unit; fought in April 1943, ghetto revolt; killed May 7, 1943

[Barkai, 1962, pp. 366-367]

Maria Borisova Bruskina*


Minsk underground; caught and executed

[Arad, 2010, p. 500]

Jules Brutzkus


Hon. Committee, American Committee of OSE

Dr. Simon Brutzkus


Children’s Aid Rescue Society (France de Secours aux Enfants ; OSE)

Moshe Bruze* (d. 1943)

Vilna Ghetto, Lithuania, Narotz Forest

Member, Betari

PPA Vilna Ghetto fighter, partisan Narotz Forest; killed in action October 8, 1943

[Arad, 1980; Barkai, 1962, p. 367]

Professor Martin Buber


Executive Committee, Al-Domi (Do Not Keep Silent), rescue activist; noted writer-philosopher

Endre Buchbinder

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Ulloi Utca 2-4

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Endrene Buchbinder

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Ulloi Utca 2-4

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Henrietta K. Buchman


Staff, JDC, 1934-1962

Secretary, JDC Committee on Poland and Eastern Europe

[JDC Archives, NY]

Henri Bulawko

Paris, France

Zionist Youth Leader; Ha-Shomer Ha-Ta’ir (Young Guard)

Rue Amelot Committee


[Rayski, 2005, pp. 86, 95, 137-138, 141; Lazare, 1996, pp. 52, 65-66, 70, 88, 151-152]

Arnold Bumi


Underground rescuer, worked with Georges Dunand of ICRC

Arrested, tortured, dported to Theresienstadt

Jozsef Bun

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff

Jozsefne Bun

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff




Irving Bunim

New York, NY, USA

Vaad Hatzalah

Community leader, raised funds to save Jews

Worked with Rabbi Abraham Kalmanowitz

[Kranzler, 1994, p. 96]

Irving Bunim


Rescue activist


Agudas Israel

[Kranzler, 1991, p. 147]

Rabbi Aaron D. Burack


HIAS board of directors 1933-1939; rescue advocate

[HIAS Archives, Yivo

Wichnitzer 1956.]

Laszlo Burg

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s immediate co-worker, manager Ulloi Utca 2-4

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Laszlone Burg

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s immediate co-worker, manager Ulloi Utca 2-4

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Konstantin Bursan

Turkey/ Romania

Courrier for Jewish Agency for Palestine (Yushuv) emissaries

[Frilling, 2005, vol. 1, pp. 199, 210, 300, 303, 372]

D. Burstein

Helsinki, Finland

Refugee Committee

Helsinki Jewish Congregation

[Rautkallio 1987.]

Z. Ragauskas-Butenas (Zerakh Ragovisky)


Commanded Nekamah (Revenge) Jewish Battalion

Jewish Parachutist

[Levin, 1984]

Fred M. Butzel

Detroit, Michigan, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Kaska B’Yelitska

Bialystock, Poland

Member Hashomer Hatzair underground Bialystock

Member Anti-Fascist Committee, Poland

[Barkai, 1962, p. 367; Datner, 1946; Grossman, 1987]

Joseph Byl


Leader Rue Amelot rescue activist

[Adler 1987. P.212]

Maurice Cachoud-Loebenberg*

Southern France

Armée Juive (AJ), MLN, Founder Maurice Cachoud Group

Eve Cahen*

Southern France

Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants (OSE; Childrens Aid resue Society)

Deported and murdered

Hanane M. Caiserman


Executive director, Canadian Jewish Congress

Rescue and relief activist

Rudolf Callman

New York, USA

President, American Federation of Jews from Central Europe, Inc.

Maurice Canter


Board of Directors, HIAS

[HIAS Archives, Yivo

Wischnitzer 1956.]

Raffaele Cantoni

Rome and Milan, Italy


President, Union of Jewish Community

Central Committee for Assistance to Germany Jews

Rescue leader in Italy

[Leboucher 1969.

Sarfatti 2006.]

Eddie Cantor

Los Angeles, California, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Noted Entertainer

Lillian Cantor


Staff, JDC, 1921-1971

[JDC Archives, NY]

Louis Caplan

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Samuel Caplan

New York, USA

Associate secretary, Palestine Foundation Fund (Keren Hayesod), Inc.

Denise Caraco-Sikierski


Service André

[Lazare, 1996, p. 165]

Pierre Carcassone


Rescue and resistance underground

[Encyclopedia Judaica, 1971, p. 617]

Roger Carcassone


Rescue and resistance underground

[Encyclopedia Judaica, 1971, p. 617]

David Abraham Cardozo

New York, USA

President, Netherlands Jewish Society, Inc.

Rabbi I. J. Cardozo


Joodsch Hulp-Comite (Jewish Help Committee)

Ralph N. Cardozo

St. Paul, Minnesota, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Aaron Carmi

Warsaw Ghetto, Poland

Partisan Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB)

[Gutman, 1994, p. 202]

Moshe Carmil

Tel Aviv, Palestine

Jewish Agency


Rescue activist

[Avriel, 1975, p. 118]

Avery Carp

Granite City, Illinois, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Leone Carpi


Chairman, Comitato Italia-Palestina (CIP; Italian Palestine Committee), established 1928

René Cassin

London, England

“Provisional” Committee of the Universal Israelite Alliance in London

Rabbi Cassuto

Larissa, Greece

Warned Jews to flee and hide, saving many

[Friedman 2004. P.266]

Emmanuel Cellar (1888-1981)

New York, USA

Jewish congressman, Democrat from New York; tried to liberalize US immigration laws to help Jewish refugees escape Europe

[Celler, 1952; Wyman, 1984; Morse, 1967; Kranzler, 1991, p. 110]

Jesuit Father Pierre Chaillet

Lyons, France

Leader, Christian Friendship (Amitié Chrétienne; non-Jew)

Lipa Chaimovic


Af-Al-Pi (“Despite Everything”) – Perl Transport; director, Orat

[Perl, 1979]

Boris Chaimovich

Minsk Ghetto, Forest

Leader, Nechama Ruditzer Group, partisan

[Epstein, 2008, pp. 120-122, 192-193, 306n43]

Joseph B. Chamberlain (non-Jew)


Chairman, National Coordinating Committee for Aid to Refugees and Emigrants Coming from Germany (NCC), 1934-1939 ; chairman of board, National Refugee Service, Inc.

[Wyman, Morse]

Nathan Chanin

New York, New York, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Bella Chazan


Courier between ghettoes in Poland and Albania

[Daring to Resist 2007. Pp.86-88]

Léon “Alex” Chertok


Leader, National Movement Against Racism (Mouvement National Contre le Racisme)

[Rayski, 2005, pp. 89, 235]

Misha (Mikhail) Chipchin

Minsk Ghetto, Belorussia

Member underground

Ran printing press for ghetto newsletter

[Epstein, 2008, pp. 113, 151, 156-159, 306n43]

Aaron Chmielnitsky

Warsaw Ghetto, Wishkov Forest, Poland

Partisan, Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB), Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, April 1943; escaped and became partisan, Wishkov Forest

[Barkai, 1962, p. 367]

Dr. I. Chomsky

Southern France

Physician and relief worker in French concentration camps

Dr. Julian Chorazychi*

Treblinka death camp, Poland

Leader, underground resistance; killed

[Barkai, 1962, p. 367]

André Chouraqui

Southern France

Childrens Aid and Rescue Society (OSE); relief and rescue worker

[Samuel, 2002, p. 95]

Adam Ciolkosz


Council for the Rescue of the Jewish Population of Poland

Yehoshua Citron (Halevi)

Bratislava, Slovakia

Leader, Betar in Slovakia

Leader, Citron Group

Magda Clausius

Budapest, Hungary

Nurse, relief worker

Simon Marcovici-Cleja



Helped Irgun Ha’Apalah in Romania

[Ben-Ami, 1982, p. 199]

Benjamin V. Cohen


Vice president, Palestine Economic Corporation

David Cohen


Organizer, Bijzondere Joodse Belangen (Committee for Special Jewish Affairs; CBJB and CJV), March 1933; president, Joodsch Raad (JD), Jewish Council, February 1941

Jacob H. Cohen

New York, USA

Treasurer, Palestine Foundation Fund (Keren Heyasod), Inc.

Jean Cohen


Rescue activist

Rabbi Léo Cohen


Entr’aide Français Israélite (EFI)

French Jewish Scouts (EIF ; Eclaireurs Israélites de France) ; Service d’Evacuation et de Rassemblement d’Enfants

[Lazare, 1996, pp. 57-61, 70-71, 252, 254, 288]

Leo Cohen


Jewish Agency for Palestine – Political Department

[Frilling, 2005]

Sir Leonard Cohen

Great Britain

President, ICA, 1929-1934

Margot Cohen

Izieu, Southern France

Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants (OSE; Children’s Aid Rescue Society)

Social worker

[Klarsfeld 1985.]

Marianne Cohen*


Member EIF; took Jewish children across Swiss border. Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants (OSE; Children’s Aid Rescue Society), French Jewish Scouts

[Rayski, 2005, pp. 182-183; Samuel, 2002, p. 124]

Morris R. Cohen

New York, New York, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Sam Cohen


Director of Hanotea, Ltd.

Helped establish Capital Transfer Agreement

Samuel I. Cohen


Vice President, Humane Refugee Aid Society (HRSA)

[Zucker, 2008, p. 79]

Seymour S. Cohen


Staff, JDC, 1944-1945

[JDC Archives, NY]

Dr. Alfred E. Cohn

New York, New York, USA

Board of Directors, JDC

Founder, Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced German Scholars

Jacques Cohn

Southern France

Rescue activist


[Samuel, 2002, pp. 138-139]

Marianne Cohn

Berlin, Germany

Co-founded Herbert Baum Group with future husband, Herbert Baum

[Benz, 1997, pp. 178-180; Kreutzer, 1993; Brothers, 1993]

Lois Hollander Cole

New York, USA

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Junior Division, national chairperson after 1939

[JDC Archives, NY]

Ralph F. Colin

New York, New York, USA

Executive Committee, Board of Directors, JDC; Emergency Administration Committee

Hon. Sec., Baron de Hirsch Fund

Dr. Baruch Confino



Helped rescue Bulgarian Jews via Aliya Bet

[Chary 1970. Pp.92, 94

Ofer 1990.]

Raffaele Contoni


Zionist leader, activist

Isidor Coons


Director of fundraising, JDC, 1930-1949 ; executive chairman, UJA, 1939-1949

[JDC Archives, NY]

Abraham Coralnik


Founder, American League for the Defense of Jewish Rights

[Gottleib, 1972, 1973]

Dr. Baruch Costiner


Representative, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

[JDC Archives, NY]

Emil Costiner


Leader, rescue activist

Refugee Aid Committee

(Comisa Automema de Ajutorare)

[Ancel 1987. Vol.5,8]

Ella Courlander


Assistant Supervisor, NCJW

[Zucker, 2008, p. 79; YIVO Archives NYC]

Dr. Jean Cremer


Children’s Aid Rescue Society (Œuvre de Secours aux Enfants ; OSE)

Garel Network (Réseau Garel)

[Bauer 1981.]

Joseph Croustillon

Southern France

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

Armee Juif (Jewish Army)

[JDC Archives, NY

Porat 1990.]

Anna Csech (Klein), (b. 1926)

Budapest, Hungary

Hashomer Hatzair

Distributed protective documents

Captured, deported to Auschwitz, survived (husband was killed in Auschwitz)

[Gur, 2007, p. 146]

Dr. Leon Cuenca


Relief activist, physician, warned Jews

Worked with Red Cross

Arrested, deported to Auschwitz

[Friedman 2004. P.266]

Liza Czapnik

Bialystok Ghetto

Member “Antifascist Bialystok” cell; underground; helped partisans, participated in ghetto revolt

Gyorgy Czeisler

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Ulloi Utca 2-4

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]

Saadiah Czerniak


Staff member, ICA

Emilia Czitrom

Budapest, Hungary

Raoul Wallenberg’s staff, Ulloi Utca 2-4

[Botos-Kovacs, 2007]